26.04.24 FOR FREE HANDS at the festival : Many thanks to the nnz-online.de for the good concert review: “An outstanding evening – The third concert within the 24th Nordhäuser Jazzfrühling, left enthusiastic visitors in the jazz club “JAZZmangel” last Saturday, “For Free Hands” had provided for a special evening … International throughout, with the musicians Doron Furman (ISR) oud, Andreas Brunn (D) e-guitar, Manuel Podhostnik (SLO) drums, Roberto Badoglio (IT) e-bass and Omri Abramov (ISR) sopr. & tenor sax, a cultural bridge between Orient and Occident was presented.”
Many thanks to Holger Gonska and the team from Jazzclub Nordhausen for their great commitment! And also to Dirk Schröter for the great photos!
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